Fright Nights 2019 Review

by Jared Gutierrez

Finally! The review is out! Fright Nights 2019 rating is scarier than you think! Buckle up and analyze why Fright Nights experience is not the greatest South Florida haunt after all.

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Fright Nights itself had so much potential when going through the houses and scare actors, but the crowd control and pricing did not accommodate it. With four haunted houses, the lines were tremendously long and with little to no air, made the waiting become a bit irritating. There was maybe a few blowing fans around the queue line but did not help as much for being a typical humid night. Once entering the houses, the same amount of hotness in line was the same inside which made the experience a tad bit stressful.

In terms of paying, Fright Nights charges its customers by tickets for the rides and houses. Their ticket special has 30 fright tickets at which the houses accept only 8 tickets, meaning that you only have access to three houses and still need to purchase another two tickets in order to attend all four of the houses. Keep in mind that the ticket special costs $30 for only three houses and that’s if there’s enough time.

Overall, Fright Nights isn’t all that bad, the set design as well as the scare actors were top notch. Each scene demonstrated their artistic ability with lighting and effects that made each of the houses unique. Dead time Stories was the most enjoyable house out of all because on how detailed the scenes were, along with a memorable room where snowflakes were falling that felt that it had a dark Christmas theme. The Fright Nights 2019 adventure can be a pricey but fun experience to all, we’ll see what surprises can scare us this year 2020!

Fright Nights 2019

3.5 Score

Has potential to be a better event. The scares are at a great standard but needs to focus on customer experience and crowd control.

Review Breakdown

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